Party On

Posted on: November 29th, 2016 by Carrie Young No Comments


Holiday soirees…they’re coming! And despite all the mall music insisting it’s the most wonderful time of the year, those pretty Paperless Posts can be an invitation to feel, well, kind of panicky. There’s the end-of-the-year schedule that has you feeling like you already have zero time, the invitations from professional contacts to gatherings where you’re expected to leave a good impression without spilling or drinking too much, the roomfuls of appetizer-clutching strangers you’re supposed to charm, and the party clothes that are…well..whatever. Is it any wonder that holiday parties strike anxiety into the hearts of those of us who aren’t exactly social butterflies?

Not to worry…everyone else is so busy trying to make themselves look comfortable that they definitely aren’t focusing on you. The trick is just to walk into that shindig with all the confidence you can muster, chat with a person or two, remember- after a drink or two- that you’re totally fine and capable of schmoozing, and then get on with your night/holiday season/life. But how to amp up that confidence? Here are some tips, and these will actually give you an aura of poise that’ll make you- if not the life of the party- one of its most charming attendees, at the very least. You’ve got this. I hope…


Wear something you love

Maybe something new that’s currently your favorite thing in your closet. It will make you feel more confident.


Or just choose your comfiest outfit

Especially if you’re the host. Instead of a tight dress, Spanx, and heels, wear a flowing blouse and pants. That casual-but-festive thing puts your friends at ease, too.


Bust out the bold lipstick

My personal go-to for all, it will make you stand out, and it’ll actually make it easier for people to ‘read your lips’ in a dim, loud party.


Leave your phone in your coat

Yes, in coat check or in that huge pile of jackets mounded on a bed in the guest room. You’ll be forced to look around and take in the room, instead of hunching over and pecking at a screen- or stalking your ex on Instagram.


Head for the food

And force yourself to talk to someone else at the food table. Hopefully a hot guy. You can even pretend you’re a food blogger.


Use people’s names when you meet them

Psychology 101: This will endear you to them, as the most beautiful sound is their own name spoken. Because everyone is a narcissist.


Asking questions is the easiest way to seem smart and fascinating

If you are curious and ask the other person questions about themselves, they will leave you feeling as if they had the best conversation ever and that you are a fascinating person — even if you never said anything about yourself. This is my secret weapon, btw…


Don’t try to talk to everybody

You don’t have to. You can’t. Whether there are 13 or 130 other people there, tell yourself you’ll have a few nice chats and call it a night. This one comes easily for me.


Say “I love your shoes!”

The best ice-breaker, and always good for making a new chic friend.

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