Got Cupid?

Posted on: February 10th, 2015 by Carrie Young No Comments



I have always viewed Valentine’s Day through a myopic lens, childlike, dreamy and romantic…maybe not so realistic? Who wouldn’t want to be presented with your favorite flowers, a surprise getaway, or even one of those corny cards you got in 2nd grade from a secret admirer. That said, this particular day reads more hallmark than benchmark to me, however I do salute those who at least try to show some love for their significant- or not so significant- other. But what exactly does this day really mean? Affection that feels forced towards someone you may not like so much the rest of the year? And what if you happen to be uncoupled? By that I mean consciously…and not in the Gwyneth way. Statistics show that in 2015, single women are predominant and more powerful than ever- that’s obvious, especially in major cities like NY and LA- and before I start sounding like a total nut job who has attachment issues with my dog or cat- I don’t have either, by the way- let me just say that a lot of this singledom going around is by choice, or as I say, self-inflicted. I feel like I’m the pioneer of this new-ish movement that women are now embracing, having stayed single due to a very lethal combo of fierce independence and chronic pickiness.

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As more women are soaring to the top of their careers, or excelling at their own businesses, a newfound independence is surging where marriage and children can wait, or just isn’t a priority for them… if at all. And besides, finding a good man these days is more difficult than winning the Power Ball. Truly. Mantras like success and freedom are my single and divorced gal pals intentions these days…and even my married friends, although a much trickier feat to obtain. While I do believe that love prevails over an impressive 401k or an amazing pre-nup, I also feel that women should never count on Cupid to define them, or even worse, be less discerning in their quest to find him. We girls do a great job of working and playing just as hard as men, and can take ourselves on an exotic trip across two continents, or to the hottest restaurant-of-the-moment in our neighborhood. So remember, as Fifty Shades of Grey makes its way to Valentine’s Day- and a theater near you- we are the ones who have the power, not those damaged yet sexy train wrecks like Christian. Being a force of one is definitely preferable to being the better half to no force. I’m actually OK with flying solo, and being my own Cupid- with this amazing bespoke Edie Parker clutch- but I will always make room for the real thing. You never know when he may show up.

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