Exclusive…Secret Retreat…Fairy-Tale…these are not the sort of conjured up images that come to mind with regard to The Hangover 2, however, there is a synergy to all, as the nirvana-like Ritz-Carlton Reserve on Phulay Bay in Krabi, Thailand is where the final scene of that movie was filmed. As their first Reserve Collection property, of only two in the world, the Ritz-Carlton built this utopian resort on the naturally rugged shoreline- which sprouts jagged limestone formations rising from the Andaman Sea- and was designed by the noted Thai architect Lek Bunnag, where he combined modern and elegant beauty with distinctive Thai accents, as well as Middle Eastern and Moroccan cultures.
Upon arrival, where the entry way and lobby are adorned with thousands of candles, guests settle into one of the pavilions or villas- of which there are 54- where views of the private garden or ocean are accessible for the duration of their stay…along with 24 hour Butler Service to provide pretty much…everything. There are roughly two hundred islands surrounding the Krabi coastline, and a complimentary boat- fully staffed, of course- can deliver the adventurous to Hong Island, a natural park island with a hidden green water lagoon and intricate caves, which is the perfect spot to take a dip…or dive, where exotic fish rush about in luscious splendor.
Recently, my tres charming friends Estelle and Stephane Lacroix, French and Swiss married expats living in Los Angeles, who both work for the Dorchester Collection- which owns the uber-luxe Beverly Hills Hotel and Hotel Bel-Air- had the good fortune of exploring this tropical Garden of Eden for themselves, as a much needed respite from their high-profile and demanding jobs. Although the trek from LA was long and arduous, everything shifted into dream-mode at once…which was most likely due to the palatial rooms, or the rainforest showers, or the six chi-chi restaurants and lounges at their disposal- frequented by Koko, the local baby elephant by the way- or perhaps the candlelight yoga…but I’m pretty sure it was their personal butler experience that made them consider enduring another two day-jaunt back there, once they arrived home in Los Angeles. I’m thinking they should have brought him along… www.ritzcarlton.com