Girl Power

Posted on: June 12th, 2013 by Carrie Young No Comments

It seems unthinkable that two thirds of the world’s illiterate people are female, or that there are still many places where women do not have basic human rights- yet this is happening… even in 2013- which is why Chime for Change launched earlier this year. The founding committee is comprised of Gucci’s creative director Frida Giannini, superstar Beyonce and actress Salma Hayek, and this noble initiative- which is financially backed by Gucci- is a call to unite, raising awareness and funds for women in crisis around the world. Giannini’s aha moment came from a trip to Malawi she took with UNICEF back in 2009, where she was astonished to see that hospitals had scarce supplies for the maternity departments, incubators were nowhere to be seen, and too many young girls at the age of 14 or 15 were already having their second or third child.


The voices of Beyonce, Hayek and Giannini speak out for those who can’t and collectively feel that men, women, teachers and politicians need to view the empowerment of girls and women around the world as a priority. Partner organizations include UNICEF- having worked closely with Gucci for a number of years- Plan International and The Global Fund for Women, where the ultimate goal is access to education, health care and justice.



Beyonce is hopeful that all young girls from developing countries, as well as privileged ones, grow up to be fearless and armed with self-respect. And she definitely performed fearlessly to a celebrity and VIP packed crowd of 50,000, where she headlined the star-studded Chime for Change kick-off charity concert in London on June 1st. John Legend, Jennifer Lopez, Mary J. Blige, Madonna, and Florence and the Machine were among the line-up who performed, and presenters included Jada Pinkett-Smith, Jessica Chastain, and the feminist icon herself, Gloria Steinem. The concert raised over $4 Million, and with an advisory board from the likes of Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Arianna Huffington and Alicia Keys, there is only one thing that comes to my mind…you go