Slap me Gorgeous

Posted on: June 26th, 2013 by Carrie Young No Comments

Delivering precision blows at $350 a pop, a Thai natural health practitioner who goes by the name Tata offers a bizarre new treatment called face-slapping at her San Francisco salon. This traditional technique- which has been around a few generations- is widely popular in Thailand and claims to erase wrinkles, shrink pores, and tighten the skin without plastic surgery or the use of any chemicals whatsoever- goodbye Botox. The Bangkok native has now brought this rigorous slapping, pinching and smoothing beauty regimen stateside, where she and her husband can be seen taking before and after photos of their very adventurous clientele, at what is the first studio outside Thailand which opened late last year.




Tata is only one of ten licensed face-slappers in the world, having learned under the famed Bangkok maven Kung Khemika, but implies face-slapping is not hitting- and suggests going on Craigslist if you’re looking for that. The 15 minute session helps lift, firm, and even slim the face, offering clients these three options- to look like a celebrity, appear younger, or charm your significant other- while improving circulation. This may sound over-the-top- her colorful get-up also lends to the high-drama of it all- however, doctors do admit that while this new fad may not keep you fresh-faced forever– only a nip/tuck will do the trick- this strange form of facial massage does have positive health benefits and can actually make you appear as if you’ve shaved a few years off your drivers license. Now that this is catching on, Tata hopes to bring yet another form of Thai tradition to San Francisco, and that would be butt-punching. You get the idea. This sounds like something to get