Always Sunny

Posted on: April 2nd, 2014 by Carrie Young 1 Comment

Presidents, princes and movie-stars have all descended upon Sunnylands- usually by helicopter and limousine- to golf on the private course. Formerly the winter estate of media mogul Walter Annenberg and his wife Leonore, 200 acres of lush desert is set behind its infamous pink wall in Rancho Mirage, CA. The historic estate reaches back to 1951 when the Annenbergs married and moved just outside Philadelphia, yet desired a second base on the West Coast. They hired renowned LA-based architect A. Quincy Jones to create a 25,000 square-foot midcentury modern residence that boasts an art and design collection that is impossible to estimate its value today. Completed in 1966, the Annenbergs spent five months a year at Sunnylands, eventually becoming their primary residence later in life. Leonore Annenberg’s deep love of flowers and nature is reflected in the cactus and rose gardens that surround the house and terrace. A $61 million renovation was completed two years ago, which includes a new visitors center and garden where 1.25 miles of walking paths and 50 species of plants covering the 9 acres of garden resembles an Impressionist canvas.





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Walter and Leonore Annenberg were firm in their direction for the future use of the Annenberg retreat for generations to come. Which is why Sunnylands is now regarded as the West Coast Camp David, where global leaders seek to advance international agreement. The President of the United States and the Secretary of State bring together world leaders to promote world peace…and just may play a round or two of golf in between. Annenberg retreats are planned and implemented to seek a meaningful outcome and a distinctive contribution, taking advantage of Sunnylands location, history and special qualities, as well as serving as a sanctuary for generations of high-level national and world leaders seeking the privacy and the peace needed for solving the most pressing issues of the day. Not to worry, you can schedule a tour of the house and grounds even if you’e not Hilary or Obama…and a helicopter won’t be necessary, unless you have access to one.

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One Response

  1. roxanne cohn says:

    stunning retreat! would love to visit…