
Posted on: January 29th, 2014 by Carrie Young No Comments

Art collectors and cat ladies alike, rejoice…as a massive art show dedicated entirely to felines is currently underway through February 2nd. The Cat Art Show Los Angeles opened January 25th to a large crowd of eclectic Angelenos celebrating the largest multi-artist exhibition of cat inspired artwork for sale ever exhibited. Featuring over 70 artists from across the globe including locals Shepard Fairey- the artist behind the famous Obama HOPE poster- Tim Biskup, Natalia Fabia and Langley Fox, this group show is a contemporary examination of the psychology, inspiration and physical impact of cats in our lives. Many of the artists, like Mercedes Helnwein, Jonathan Gent and FAILE have never created a cat-themed work of art before, and not everybody who attended the opening party would be considered a crazy cat person- or even likes cats for that matter, myself included- however these impressive works explore their role as muse and inspiration to many.



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Tracey Emin- one of the most famous members of the Young British Artists Movement- contributed a self-portrait of herself and her cat, while Shepard Fairey chose to portray a political black cat as a member of the Black Panther Party. Dainty sketches by Silver Lake star Langley Fox and  style inspiration from Cats in Clothes creator Heather Mattoon can be found alongside Snoop Dogg glancing at a sweet-faced puss– who said cats and dogs can’t get along? Partners of the Cat Art Show Los Angeles include 101/Exhibit, PicMonkey, 9Lives, Yahoo, Perrier and Peroni Beer. Pieces range from $300-$50,000, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Stray Cat Alliance of Los Angeles. Take note, there is definitely some Cat Scratch Fever going around. Meow.



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