Gin Spirit

Posted on: June 26th, 2013 by Carrie Young No Comments

Five years ago while taking a much needed break from her new and thriving Pilates studio in Los Angeles, movement coach and holistic trainer Gin Gavran took a bold leap of faith by checking out…and checking in to the Sivananda Ashram in the French countryside for a month-long stay. Persuaded by her yogi chiropractor- who was headed there himself- to be more present, Gavran made the trek to France, and even went without luggage for the first 2 weeks… thanks to the airlines. Her charming article entitled Tales from the Ashram first appeared in the Elephant Journal, and spoke to her yoga and mediation experience at Sivananda which had a life-altering effect on her.


Fast forward to the office of a well-known Beverly Hills chiropractor to the stars- the fabulous Dr. David Tannenbaum– which is where I met Gavran recently, who now teaches Pilates and Yoga privately and at clients homes throughout LA. In addition, she travels around the country teaching workshops on neurophysiology, vision, and its affects on movement. But what really moves her is the work she’s been doing since 2012, and that is myofascial release for equine- which is a hands on, whole body manual therapy technique where pressure is taken off pain sensitive areas of the horse, thereby restoring its full motion that has been compromised by tight muscles or alignment problems.


gin1These days, massage therapists, equine chiropractors, physical therapists, veterinarians, horse trainers and owners are all using this holistic therapy to enhance their horse, human, or canine clients. While working with Kiki Ebson and Terry Carroll at The Healing Equine Ranch in Agoura- LA’s stallion country near Malibu- horsing around keeps Gavran grounded, as she believes they truly mirror how we behave in our relationships, both personal and professional. Very horse whisperer-ish, and very healing. Instead of the chiropractor’s office, I just may have another chance encounter with Gavran at a Horse Mornings course offered at the Ranch.