Gwyneth’s Guru

Posted on: July 29th, 2014 by Carrie Young 1 Comment

Vicky Vlachonis is a renowned holistic osteopath and healer to the stars- most specifically Gwyneth Paltrow- who established her integrative medical practice in 2001. The Greek-born Vlachonis was Gwyneth’s go-to for mind/body healing in London for years, and is now based in Beverly Hills, not far from Paltrow’s Westside digs- where she also serves as a Goop contributor. In her new book, The Body Doesn’t Lie, her philosophies and tools for mitigating pain is shared by offering a tactical guide to activating positive feedback in our lives. Vlachonis insists we must reflect and identify the causes of physical and emotional pain, then release that pain, and finally radiate into a positive and pain free daily existence. Her methods include acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy, massage, reflexology and cupping after pinpointing the source of the problem. Vlachonis reveals that layers of buried emotions build up in our scar tissue causing adhesions in our fascia- the layer of tissue that stretches around all the muscles and organs- and although problems don’t start because of emotion themselves, the trouble comes when you don’t express or release them.

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Her proven and successful pain eradication program was developed over years working with a wide range of clients from celebrities and CEO’s to overworked ballerinas and working moms. She believes that emotions, all emotions, are normal. They’re neither good or bad, but once you really see and feel those buried emotions you can consciously increase the flow of your body’s natural painkillers and anti-inflammatory chemicals to help you release the pain and heal. Some of her tips to well-being include daily exercise for an hour to strengthen your muscles; eating healthy, and treating yourself once a week to a hot bath with therapeutic Dead Sea Salts, which will provide your body with the essential minerals, stimulate blood circulation and improve skin hydration while reducing inflammation. And staying away from all those chips and margaritas wouldn’t hurt either.

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One Response

  1. roxanne cohn says:

    Logical to me!