When you’re about to name each collection from your line of luxury handbags after your girl friends, you had better make sure they’re as chic as your product. No worries there for Betsy Pitts and Claudia Overstrom, co-founders and designers of their brand Eponymous which launched last year. Made in Italy and using the finest quality leather and jewelry quality hardware, these posh handbags bears the unique design element of interchangeable panels that attach to each bag to change its look. Each season features a new and varied collection of panels- which are sold separately- that includes exotic skins like alligator and python, as well as rich colors and textures.
Allison, Lillian, Calvert Clutch Anna Hobo
April, Mary, Isabella, Anna Hobo Camille, April, Candace
Isabella, Christina Millie, Cynthia, Chloe Clutch
Susannah, Allison Claudia Oversrtom and Betsy Pitts
Having met through mutual friends, Overstrom and Pitts are the quintessential New York women they happen to design for, navigating hectic lives that surround work, children and husbands while managing to always appear flawless. Finding themselves in need of several different looks that could take them from meetings to events throughout the day, their concept of the convertible handbag not only brings innovation but flair to every woman who totes them. There’s a real personal quality to the bags and that is why you’ll find a cool hobo named Anna, or a sleek clutch named Chloe because every bag is actually named after someone they know. These ladies clearly travel in very stylish circles and their collective backgrounds in antiques and fashion- Overstrom helped launch Style.com- translates beautifully to their exclusive label that is Eponymous New York. www.eponymousnewyork.com
some of these bags look awesome…definately going to check these out…thanks for the posting!