For those who follow all things culinary and would love to be a fly on the wall inside the kitchens and private lives of ten well-known American chefs, there is a book out there that delivers a kind of backstage pass into this world. Notes From a Kitchen: a journey inside culinary obsession is a James Beard award winning bible of sorts- an 18 pound, two-volume modernized American cookbook- beautifully crafted from the obsessive mind of artist, filmmaker, and photographer Jeff Scott.
With over 1,000 photographs and edited film sequences, Notes From a Kitchen takes you through a-day- in-the-life of these young, world renowned chefs, paying tribute to them in their kitchens and in conversation. Extracting key insight from their personal journals, it focuses on their obsession and passion for the art, rather than striving for cult celebrity-chef status. These exciting chefs who are featured hold court at some of the most illustrious restaurants in America- and most have made their way onto my top list too…just so you know. This notable group includes George Mendes of Aldea, NYC; Sean Brock of Husk, Charleston; Johnny Luzzini of Jean George, NYC; Emma Hearst of Sorella, NYC; Jason Neroni formerly of Osteria La Buca, LA- now chef/owner of my new fave Superba; Neal Fraser of Grace, LA; Matt Gaudet of Aquitaine, and current chef/owner of West Bridge, Boston; Zak Pelaccio of Fatty Crab, NYC; Michael Laiskonis of Le Bernardin, NYC; and Joel Harrington of Stephan Pyles, Dallas.
Jeff Scott has had a flourishing career as an artist within the world of multi-media- bringing home the James Beard medal for his photography- and subsequently created his publishing company Tatroux, which was derived from Scott’s overall scope of vision to execution with the thoroughly fresh concept of Notes From a Kitchen- which should be in everyone’s pantry by the way…well at least mine, as the only staples I keep are reservations.