
Posted on: April 17th, 2013 by Carrie Young No Comments

As most of us tend to utilize our trusty smart phone apps to navigate us through the day, why not also get in on some self-help action…where you can become your own personal guru, dealing with day-to-day stresses and anxieties in a more productive manner. Psychology apps are on the rise, and can be a great alternative to $300 an hour shrinks, or even dalliances with life coaches. Offering a helping hand- and developed by two clinical psychologists- Moodkit provides various features to lift your spirits, with more than 150 exercises and actions- such as create something and choose your friends wisely. 


For those high-strung alpha’s who aren’t quite able to capture some quiet time, ever, Simply Being incorporates guided meditation and sleep enhancement- with the help of a woman’s soothing and slightly robotic voice commands- to help ease your mind and finally shut-off, in essence becoming a path to a quiet mind…which I could use a good dose of, by the way. Unstuck is an i-Pad only app, created by a San Francisco consulting firm which enables one to dig out of that ditch they’re buried in… with a series of stabilizing exercises.


For those Dr. Phil-esque issuesBreak Up and Fix a Fight can be your virtual best friend to dump on about your recent split, or a relationship referee, where important tools can be gleaned to help get back on track with your guy, or simply get back on the horse…and find a new one. So, all you really need to obtain total enlightenment these days is your own couch and some apps…and the best part is you don’t even have to pay someone to listen to you anymore.