Sky Service

Posted on: May 7th, 2014 by Carrie Young 1 Comment


I often fantasize while driving just about everywhere in LA that a helicopter will suddenly swoop in and take me out of my traffic misery. For those on the East Coast who also daydream about avoiding traffic- usually en route to the Hamptons or The Cape, not traveling across town like me- commuting by sky may now be a reality that won’t break the bank. It seems that air travel is going the way of Uber as Evolux Transportation, a new helicopter service, will offer ride-share options and on-call private flights from an array of operators. The program is starting in New York and Miami this month, with other American cities to be added this fall. Now that’s the ultimate HOV lane…





Evolux is a tech travel company- founded by Ray Leavitt- that’s building the world’s first helicopter charter marketplace and global distribution system. The platform they’re developing will be an evolution in luxury transport, solving major challenges in helicopter operations, reservations and logistics. Their web application allows you to book helicopter flights directly or share reservations with others on a per-seat pricing basis. Commuting from 25-plus vertipads will become even more civilized with Evolux and Sky-Limo, and with increased speed and productivity, helicopters may eventually take a certain share in the segment of short-haul flights currently occupied by regional aircraft operators. In addition to being an uber for helicopters, the company provides Heli-Tours and Heli-Excursions. Now I really can be rescued while stuck on the 405 freeway.

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One Response

  1. roxanne cohn says:

    I’ve been dreaming about this for years!