Laughing Matter

Posted on: November 15th, 2016 by Carrie Young No Comments


Yoga is not usually a laughing matter- well, if you ever catch my attempts at certain yoga poses it definitely is- but in Bangalore, India there is something called Laughter Yoga which has known healing powers. Two decades ago, in this land of sensory overload and spiritual abundance, a doctor named Madan Kataria mixed together meditation  and hilarity which resulted in the laughter yoga workshop. Kataria had the idea that laughing for no good reason can make life better, since your body cannot tell the difference between real and fake laughter.





In India, because of the sensory overload, you just feel like the country is pouring into you, and Kataria talks about this smorgasbord of spiritual matters. One workshop participant, Rie Nakamoto, could get to her funny place very quickly, most likely because she’s very active in laughter clubs in her native Japan. You know the saying, there’s a fine line between love and hate…well, there’s an even thinner line between laughter and crying. I’d opt for laughing. Namaste.

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