Modern Day Gidget

Posted on: April 23rd, 2014 by Carrie Young 3 Comments

As a child growing up in Italy, Tara Angioletti traveled and surfed around the world. Now this soul surfer and yoga instructor has grown up to be a surf goddess extraordinaire and owner of Girls Gone Surfing. The company specializes in surf trips and lessons primarily for women where catching waves, staying positive and learning how to rip is the foundation of all their trips. Angioletti created Girls Gone Surfing so that she could share her passion with other women, hoping to connect surfer girls from around the world. The company is devoted to surfing as much as possible, traveling to the premiere warm water waves around the world- such as Maui, Australia, Costa Rica and Fiji- always making new friends with other surfers and experiencing life to the fullest.



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If you’ve always wanted to learn how to surf or are already addicted, they have the perfect trips which focus on learning form and about one another, sharing waves and the alpha spirit. Girls Gone Surfing has partnered with Billabong Camps to offer the highest quality individualized surf instruction and retreats. Their trips feature world-class surf instructors as well as guest appearances by Billabong pros. By practicing yoga, appreciating the moment, and opening the body, mind and soul, they strive to connect the world one surfer girl at a time. The team is a group of cool surfers, yoga instructors, and massage therapists that reside around the world, each one unique with their own talents. The tiny, energetic Angioletti is living out her dream of traveling to exotic locations and surfing sunrise to sunset, taking with her an eclectic mix of fashion execs, geek girls and marketing pros who all want to ride that wave.

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3 Responses

  1. roxanne cohn says:

    Great concept…

  2. Jay Coakley says:

    Tara was a student of mine while at Lake Braddock Secondary School. As a teacher it is so nice to see former students doing what they love to do and being successful.